Clearbox Systems has entered into a Service Agreement with Engineers Australia. The Service Agreement is a mutual arrangement between Engineers Australia and Clearbox Systems to assist in collectively advancing team capability and recognising individual experience.
Benefits of partnering with Engineers Australia through the Service Agreement include:
- Creating a structured and supported program for the engineering workforce, from graduates to senior management
- Providing the opportunity for engineers within organisations to have their level of experience and competence be internationally recognised
- Can be used as an employee recruitment and retention strategy, highlighting to teams the importance of their professional development to an organisation
- Demonstrating to clients and the market an organisational commitment to engineering standards and the development and advancement of the engineering workforce
About Engineers Australia
With around 100,000 individual members, Engineers Australia is the profession’s peak body. It is the voice of the profession, and exist to advance the science and practice of engineering for the benefit of the community.
High standards, globally-recognised credentials and international agreements enable Engineers Australia members to live and work around the world – with members currently in more than 120 countries.
Founded in 1919 as the Institution of Engineers Australia, it's work has underpinned the progress of Australia for more than a century. Engineering plays a pivotal role in society and will continue to shape the future of Australia, creating healthy, just, prosperous, secure and sustainable communities.